Becoming a member is the easiest way to support Schnitzelburg. Click on an image below to purchase or renew a membership.
Questions? Check out our FAQs below or shoot us an email.
How much does an annual membership cost?
Households: $15
Businesses may join at the following levels:
Bronze = $50
Silver = $100
Gold = $200
Platinum = $500
How do you join/renew?
Easy! There are three ways to join/renew:
Pay online by selecting a membership level above
Mail in the membership form along with your payment to:
P.O. Box 17306
Louisville, Kentucky 40217Sign up at any SACC event or general meeting
How long is a membership good for?
Household membership runs from Jan. 1 through Dec. 31. A membership drive will be held in November for new and renewing members.
Any membership purchased in November lasts through December of the following year.
Where does the money from your membership go?
The money raised from membership goes back into the community through SACC sponsored events (The Dainty Contest, #1 Citizen’s Dinner, Movie Night, etc.), toward beautification projects (planting trees and shrubs, creating murals, buying and installing banners, garbage cans, etc.), and general overhead for the organization (digital assets, stamps, office supplies, etc.).
Do you have to live in the neighborhood to be a member?
Absolutely not! We welcome anyone from anywhere!